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Ilana Ashany
Born in New York
32 years
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Emily Holiday

Ilana, I have so many memories of the last 14 years.  Little things now remind me of you and our friendship.    I took out the tan and blue purse that you helped me buy at Delphino on the Upper East side, it was the first purse I ever owned that was above $50. You had the same one and we both loved it!  Getting a pedicure the other night I remembered my first EVER pedicure before a wedding we were going to together.  From that day I was hooked. And I will NEVER forget when the Blue Angel figher jets zoomed about 200 meters over us in the San Francisco bay and you grabbed onto me as if I could protect you from these fighter jets and their brain shaking roar!   I laughed so hard that it hurt. 

I saw Tripe on a menu the other night and remembered one of our dinners in San Francisco when we ordered it thinking that it was a fish!  We took one bite and both agreed it was the worst fish ever.  Only after I told Mark about it did we realize it wasn't a fish.  


I know moving out of NYC limited how much we got to hang out but it was so comforting to know I could pick up a phone after 1 month, 2 months or whenever and it was just like old times.  If you hadn't heard from me you always called and said "What's wrong Em"? at which point I would spill my guts on something I hadn't talked to anyone else about. 


I only wish we had more time to make memories. 

Gilit Stein

Ilana, how lucky I was to have met you in that cab ride in Binghamton! You overheard someone calling my name 'Gilit' and realized right away that I was Israeli and introduced yourself from somewhere in that packed cab. Although we didn't live in the same dorm community, we always made time to see eachother at Chug Ivrit, at the frat parties and when we lived a block away from each other off Chestnut Street. I will never forget our trips to Israel, when Tali's visa expired and we couldn't get into Egypt :) and to Cabo. Our daily walks and talks meant so much to me and will last in my memory forever. We shared so many common interests: our love of everything Israeli, reading books, going to the theatre and fine dining!

What I want to thank you for the most is how special you always made me feel. You were always so happy to listen to anything that I was going on in my life no matter how trivial or silly. I loved hearing all of your stories about your other friends and family and having you hear mine. Our Sunday night chats are sorely missed.

Howie and Mia miss you too. We love you always and forever.

- The Steins

Jaime Heizler- Tan

Ilana, I can’t find a voice for these words, so I decided to write them down.


I remember the first time we met and from that moment on I knew you were going to be my friend for life.  The way people gravitated to you and how you made other people feel was endearing to me from the start.  I loved how full of life and energetic you were and how you were always up for a good time.  We sure did have some great memories in and out of school.  You have taught me much about life and myself.  I didn’t tell you this but when you told me how proud you were of me since Peyton was born has meant the world to me.  You have made me a better and stronger person through the years and I continue to grow as a friend.  You have helped me to put things into perspective and because of your support, I am the mom I am today.  Thank you for listening to me when my problems were far from serious and continuing to be my friend when I wasn’t always capable of being the best one in return.  I value your friendship, love and laughter. You will forever be in my heart. I love you!- Jaime

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